About Dr. Woodrow Johnson, Jr.
As a Leader: Dr. Woodrow Johnson, Jr., is a licensed and ordained called man of God. He is a leading laborer for Jesus The Christ, and has dedicated his life and call to fulfilling the spiritual needs of God’s people. He has challenged himself as a Leader-laborer so that he can be used by God to work in God’s vineyard through “exaltation, edification and evangelism.” A visionary of this time, he recognizes the challenges faced by all of God’s people and with much passion and admonition, his leadership skills are aligned with the call of Jesus for Kingdom Building. A preacher for twenty years, he has spent seventeen years in senior pastorate positions in addition to a year as youth pastor. He served as President of the Pastoral Progressive Partnership for two years and was a member of the Ministerial Alliance in Pell City, Alabama. He was the Dean of Student Affairs, and Assistant Professor for the Department of Religion, Counselor to students and Chair/Adviser to the Ministerial Union at Selma University. He is Powerful, Passionate and Persistent!
As an Educator: Dr. Woodrow Johnson, Jr., is a firm believer in studying God’s Word in order to effectively apply and teach the Word. His talents, gifts and skills developed to proclaim to others that which is “profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness.” God lead him to earn a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Bible and Pastoral Ministry from Selma University, in Selma, Alabama, a Masters of Divinity from the Interdenominational Theological Center, Morehouse School of Religion, in Atlanta, Georgia and a Doctor of Ministry from United Theological Seminary, in Dayton, Ohio. He believes that a vital part of being able to witness God’s Word of truth is by becoming a living testimony. God’s will has been made manifest through The Word equipping him to touch the lives of others by the Holy Spirit. Dr. Johnson walks, works and witnesses to the power of the Holy Spirit. He empowers others by moving beyond the four walls of the church to carry out the Great Commission, and fulfilling God’s call on his life to enhance the body of Christ.
As a Community Supporter: Dr. Woodrow Johnson, Jr., is committed to Christ and believes as God’s servant, support is a vital part of community growth. This support entails meeting the needs of God’s people while adding souls to the Kingdom. He understands it is not a work for him alone. Dr. Johnson values community engagement and views it as a way for him to actively work in order to increase the value of what he has been entrusted. Through his efforts, he exhibits the lifestyle taught by Jesus Christ when he stated “if you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to me.” He supports existing foundations that promote cancer awareness, as well as the American Heart Association for Hypertension and local organizations that are committed to serving people.
For a complete bio click here.
For an overview of professional courses taught by Dr. Woodrow Johnson, Jr., click here.
For an overview of empowerment classes taught by Dr. Woodrow Johnson, Jr., click here.